Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Veteran’s day is a day made to honor the heroes that defend our country with their own bodies, willing to give their lives to save us. Is this the right time to honor them? There is one clear answer: no, they deserve thanks for as long as the sacrifices they made will protect this nation.

Veterans always deserve to be honored because they never restricted their services to one day, and yet we have restricted our thanks to them to only one day as if they are not worthy of mention on every day of every year, as if they risked their lives to keep us safe and we are oblivious and angry toward them, as if these incredible people who never thought twice about putting their lives on the line for our safety are somehow insignificant and something to be ashamed of. Veterans need to be honored for this.

Another of the many reasons a veteran should always be honored is because of their courage. Courage comes in two types. Physical courage is courage of action, which they have since they fling their own bodies into harm’s way. The second is not as common, and that is moral courage, the courage to stand up for one’s own beliefs. When a veteran is fighting, what is he fighting for? What he believes in. A veteran believes in our safety and our prosperity. That is moral courage, standing up for our safety, and their goal.

Veteran’s day and Memorial day are the only official days to remember our veterans. Every day, even if it is not an official celebration, they deserve to be remembered in our hearts and in our minds. Veterans are incredible people with only one goal and one motivation: our safety. Therefore they deserve our eternal thanks and gratitude for as long as their services have protected our country and our way of life.

1 comment:

  1. Sean,

    You made some really good points in there about the Veterans. Your second paragraph I think was the strongest. It said what you had to say clearly, concisely, and powerfully. This was true for most of you essay, but the third paragraph started out a little weak. It seemed odd seeing that boring sentence begin your paragraph in the middle of all these other amazing ones, and I think you could eliminate that by reading it through once more for effect - even just simply taking what you said and saying it differently would have made a big impoprovement on that paragraph, which, by the way, ended strong and convincing.

    Nice Posting!
